The RULES to WIN MsHairRus Merchandise GIVE-AWAYS
- Register as a MsHairRus Site Member
- You will receive via email confirmation you have been accepted as a member
- Like/Follow/Friend/Tag/ReTweet and Share >>>> #MsHairRus and MsHairRus Pictures <<<< on:
- *Facebook Irreplaceable Hair (
- Facebook Hair R Us Salon - Leticia Day (
- Instagram (
- *Pinterest (
- *Twitter (
- You will Automatically “BE ENTERED” into all Give-Aways.
- No need to re-Register less you win.
- Give-Aways will be posted on the Give-Away Board with Drawing Date and Time.
NOTE: When registering as a MsHairRus member be sure to use your Full Name and an email to match this name and visa versa. It will be YOUR responsibility to remember and track this information and winnings or you forfeit the Give-Away.
How Do You Know If You WON?
- Login to MsHairRus
- Look for your Member Name on the WINNERS BOARD
- Member Name
- MATCHING Member Email Address
- Phone Number
- Mailing Address
- [email protected]
- Title Email: WINNER of MsHairRus GIVE-AWAYS
How Winning Members RE-Enter GIVE-AWAYS
- It is the Winners responsibility to RE-Eneter Give-Aways by sending an email with the following information to MsHairRus:
- Title of Email: RE-Enter Give-Aways
- MsHairRus Membership Name
- Matching Email Address
- One MsHairRus Membership Per Person, Per Household Address and Per Email Address.
- All Member Information is Strictly Confidential Less You Win and ONLY Your First Name Will Be Shared.
- Winners are responsible for shipping and handling fees
Thank you for your Membership and Entering the MsHairRus Give-Aways